Small projects I work on in my free time. I love to go to the Baumarkt, walk through, buy stuff and put it all together. Preferably connected to any kind of light.
"Oh, I can do that myself"
Did you ever see a nice piece of furniture, a lamp with a seemingly easy construction and think "oh, I don't need to buy that, I can do it myself!". I get to that point a lot and realized everything is possible. It's all about using the right tools.
So my eyes sparkled like a child when I unwrapped the birthday present and held my first own cordless screwdriver in my hands. Small step for humankind but a big step for me.
Wagenrad Lampe
I once saw an old cartwheel leaning on the wall of an old farm while cycling through the beautiful landscape of Southern Bavaria and immediately knew I needed to get one of those and build a lamp out of it. And that's what I did.
The hardest part was deciding how to remove the bottom of the bottles. Should I take a yarn and spirit and risk burning the house, or get a proper glass cutter. I decided for the second, and only cut myself once.
The first time organizing a Crossminton tournament at our local sports club we realized we didn't want to order standard trophies. Instead, we added our personal touch and created them ourselves. Since then I've made trophies and medals from concrete, wood, used a laser cutter etc. Always looking out for more ideas.
Additionally, I brought our mascot to life by modelling a wearable costume, sewing a middle-size version to take along to tournaments, and sewing small versions for each player of our club.